Vinay K. Malviya, M.D., a gynecologic oncologist, settled a lawsuit that had been filed with the federal government. As the federal government stated in their press release, “The claims resolved by the settlement are allegations only, and there has been no determination of liability.” 

Dr. Malviya vigorously denies the allegations made against him by the government. On the advice of counsel and after lengthy discussion with family Dr. Malviya decided to settle the case, to avoid the stress and great expense of litigation. Defending a federal lawsuit is an extremely time-consuming and expensive proposition. 

This civil case involved care provided by Dr. Malviya at Ascension Hospitals in Michigan. Numerous respected independent specialists in the areas of gynecologic oncology and chemotherapy thoroughly and meticulously reviewed the medical care in question in this action.  They determined that Dr. Malviya followed well-established standards of care in his evaluation and treatment of these patients. 

Within his medical community, Dr. Malviya was widely regarded as a “doctor of last resort,” willing to take on the most difficult and challenging cases, including patients with severely compromising medical conditions. Given the complexity of these patients’ medical conditions, it was impossible for Dr. Malviya to use a one-size-fits all approach to their care. As Dr Malviya was essentially entering uncharted waters, he carefully selected treatment regimens individualized for each patient. 

Several of these patients, whom other gynecologic oncologists had turned away, are still alive and well decades later and credit Dr. Malviya for their continued wellness. Their testimonials can be found on Dr. Malviya’s website at   

Dr. Malviya is very grateful to the patients who placed their trust in him over all these years; his teachers, students, and colleagues in a remarkable and rewarding professional career; and his loving family. 

Dr. Malviya is aware that some personal injury attorneys seeking new clients have created a webpage and sent letters to his patients containing false statements. Dr. Malviya, through his attorney, has demanded that the personal injury attorneys immediately cease and desist in making false and defamatory statements about Dr. Malviya, and immediately retract and remove those statements made online and in letters. Some of his patients who have received these letters have called Dr. Malviya to offer their support and to express concerns regarding how the law firms have gained access to their personal and protected health information.